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Ajax support lagging for Safari and OW? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
why are developers having problems supporting Safari (and WebKit, OW?) in Ajax libraries? are the browsers so different that they need personalised routines?

this stinks! Ajax has huge potential and once again, we the Safari/OW/WebKit users are being placed on the sideline.

corrections to my comments are welcome.
Basically, webkit's javascript/DOM support is behind that of Gecko (Firefox, Camino).

Ask a CSS designer what they think of Safari and you'll get a very positive answer. CSS is great in webkit, and supports great stuff like mutliple background images. Ask anyone involved in Ajax development and you'll get things thrown at you. This is why most Web 2.0 apps don't support Safari on launch - they're busy trying desperately to get it work, but having an uphill battle.

I think this situation will change though. Now that webkit is open source, there are more people working on it, and large corporations are starting to use the technology, such as Nokia. It may take a couple of years, but WebKit will catch up with Gecko I'm sure of it.
Originally Posted by Jon Hicks
It may take a couple of years, but WebKit will catch up with Gecko I'm sure of it.
That's a bit long to wait!! I am not terribly concerned about using Firefox occasionally, however.

I still don't understand why Apple went with Webcore, then Webkit, instead of Gecko. Gecko is there and it's free, right? What advantages does Webkit offer?
Originally Posted by philonous
That's a bit long to wait!! I am not terribly concerned about using Firefox occasionally, however.

I still don't understand why Apple went with Webcore, then Webkit, instead of Gecko. Gecko is there and it's free, right? What advantages does Webkit offer?
It's free as well, it's light weight, it's clean, it had no legacy from old Netscape code...

I like Webkit a lot more than Gecko!
Originally Posted by Jon Hicks
Basically, webkit's javascript/DOM support is behind that of Gecko
which means what exactly? I'm a relative beginner with JavaScript and DOM but I understand that document.GetElementById and similar objects work so what's the difference? I'd like to learn something ;-)
Originally Posted by martin
It's free as well, it's light weight, it's clean, it had no legacy from old Netscape code...

I like Webkit a lot more than Gecko!
I don't know much about the history of Webkit, but didn't it become more like khtml after webcore became webkit? Is khtml ahead of webkit? I must confess that it is OW that is keeping webkit competitive with the Gecko-based browsers.

Is this still friendly competition in the OS community, or is this the OS browser war?

Can't we all just get along?
For some time some companies/developer groups didn't want to support "browser rendered/interpreted" stuff natively because of security.

On the other hand this gave ActiveX a great head start since people basically coded the needed stuff via ActiveX object.

As now they changed their mind including Opera ASA who is the original company behind that stance against that stuff, it takes time to catch up.

If you are interested I can find the original Opera persons (who invented the CSS) blog posting. I bet it is still there.

Also until Yahoo, Google, Amazon, MS Live, AOL (big 5) support this thing it was basically a "geek fantasy". There are people still laughing/ criticizing Thinkfree Office which does this thing and many stuff via JAVA (real one,not applet!) and AJAX for years. , as the basic functionality is free now, I don't hesitate to give link. It is at least a great MS Word Viewer ;) Also it is a great site to test Omniweb's Java support since everything is used to the limit. BTW I just checked, site is offline until 4 AM PDT (whatever it is), here another reason why this stuff wasn't taken serious until big sites adapted it. ;)

Just imagine Macromedia/Adobe SVG somehow becomes widely used in 4-5 weeks, e.g. 10.000% increase in SVG content. Guess what happens? Every OS X browser will fail since (Adobe) SVG is broken since Tiger released and nobody cares.

Last edited by Ilgaz; 2006-05-30 at 03:59 AM..
SVG support is built into the latest versions of WebKit. You can view SVG files in OmniWeb and Safari (WebKit) right now.

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