Hello! A new user of OmniFocus, and a new reader of GTD to boot - I'm up and running and it's fabulous!
Any chance we'll be able to color-label folders in Library à la iCal or the Finder? I've noticed my folders and subfolders and subsubfolders are starting to look like a jumble of letters, but if I was able to color the major ones the same as my iCal calendars, I'd be able to find them quicker. What do people think?
Any chance we'll be able to color-label folders in Library à la iCal or the Finder? I've noticed my folders and subfolders and subsubfolders are starting to look like a jumble of letters, but if I was able to color the major ones the same as my iCal calendars, I'd be able to find them quicker. What do people think?