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How do you resize columns? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to have more column space for the project and context labels in OF entries (so that I can read them!), but there appears to be no way to resize them. Typical OSX behaviour is to be able to drag a column wider by grabbing onto one edge of the column or the other, but there appears no way to do this.

Same goes for the quick-entry dialog -- the column widths appear to be immutable.

Please advise.
It's possible in both instances. The key to both is having the headers for the columns showing.

In quick entry, click the little gear down at the lower left and click "Column Headers" and then you can resize as you expected.

In the main entry window, you have to have it set to Show View Bar (under the View window it toggles to show or hide). Again, it behaves as expected.

This is in 1.5.
There are some little nits that can make it seem like it isn't working. If you pop up the quick entry window while OmniFocus is in the foreground, you do get a little cursor when you are near a column header boundary that makes it clear you can adjust the width. You don't seem to get that if you have some other application open under the quick entry window, however, even after you click on the mouse button to drag. Still, if you grab the divider and drag it, it will follow.
Very helpful, thanks. The OmniFolks might want to add this to the FAQ.

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