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Is there any way to set zoom across multiple canvases? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm on OG5, but this was a problem for me in OG4 too.

While it's usually good that zoom settings are per-canvas rather per-document, I also often want to change the zoom settings for all pages. E.g. when I want to flip through the document to quality-check and want all pages to Fit In Window.

Is there any way to do this?
* tumbleweeds... *
If you need a guaranteed response to a question, you'll want to use the Help menu to shoot an email to the support ninjas. I browse the forums fairly frequently, but I don't know OmniGraffle as well as I do some of the other products.

That said, it looks like the canvases sidebar in OmniGraffle 5 supports multiple selection. Hold down the command key to select several canvases (or hit command-a when one is selected to select all of them) and the zoom popup will affect them.

Last edited by Brian; 2009-01-15 at 07:13 PM.. Reason: clarification
Thanks for the response, Brian. I did try that, but unfortunately, it doesn't work.

If I select more than one canvas, and then use View: Zoom and select any zoom setting, it only affects the canvas I'm looking at. Same with the magnifying glass tool.

Am I out of luck, then?
For the foreseeable future, this won't be possible -- I'd encourage you to send feedback to the support team so we can add your voice to the choir on this feature, the more "votes" for a feature, the more likely we'll implement it.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
I would like to see this feature too! very annoying to have to go through every page setting the zoom
Add my vote, too! Be.
See the last posting in this thread
for an Applescript that sets the zoom for all canvases in a document.

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