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Printing layers on separate pages Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
As seen on the attached picture, I am using layers to organize multi-page canvases. There is no shared content between the layers so only one layer can be visible at the time to display its content properly. My problem now is that when printing only the visible layers are printed. What I would need is an option to "print all visible layers on separate pages". Otherwise, I have to manually change the visible layer and select "print canvas" for each layer. It gets old pretty fast.
Any plan to implement that or workaround?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 1.jpg
Views:	1134
Size:	8.0 KB
ID:	935  
I think this is the first time we've had a request for that feature, but my Graffle-Fu is not the strongest here at Omni; if you use the Help menu item to email the support ninjas, they may have suggestions that I'm failing to come up with. We collectively browse the forums as we're able to do so, but many folks are at Apple's developer conference this week. You're guaranteed a response from the ninjas.

At the very least, they can add your request to the development database so we can consider it for some future version of the app. Thanks!
Thanks Brian. I know that this was probably not the intended purpose of layers but I can't think of another way to functionally group and organize my canvases. Having the ability to organize the canvases themselves in the same fashion as layers may even be a better approach.
I believe we've got an open feature request on some sort of canvas grouping feature. If you email the support ninjas, they can attach your email to that report in the database. Thanks!
because I cannot find it in the help menus I had to google for the answer... there is no answer, just this thread on Omni's boards

I have spent 7 hours building a 20-layer canvas because I thought I was working logically with software I hadnt used before. I havent looked at documentation in FOREVER because most software I use is well designed
each layer is an individual page
I need to output the whole set as a PDF
I spent money for this "professional" product
Because my friends all told me "how much better it is than Visio"
and now, after spending this amount of time, where I could have done it with VIsio, I find out that I cant print all the layers in a canvas? Something visio could do for years?
I have to output each one individually as a PDF and then reassemble in Acrobat manually? or copy-paste all of these into new canvasses

Are you kidding?

Any other simple things this product DOESNT DO?

JOCHEN asked in April about this - where were the "ninjas" then? Out to lunch? He never got an answer publicly on the board.

LaurenSF asked in FEBRUARY and no "ninjas" were around then either.

Who do I see about getting my money back? This is BS.
If you want a guaranteed answer from the ninjas, you use the Help->Send Feedback or email You don't post to the community forum where your post is not guaranteed to be read by any Omni employee.

To see about getting your money back, go to the Omni store page, go down to the bottom right hand corner and click the "If you'd like a refund" link.
Sean, we're happy to help, but if you have 20 separate pages, wouldn't 20 canvases with one layer work better than 1 canvas with 20 layers?

Set up that way, OmniGraffle will print all the pages as part of one PDF document; there's no need to print them separately and stitch them back together in Acrobat.

I'm not one of our resident OmniGraffle experts - if you email the support ninjas, you'll reach them. Just trying to understand your workflow.

You don't need to throw everything out, either.

Duplicate the canvas (this way you have the original just in case)
In Canvas 1, delete layers 2 - 20
Duplicate Canvas 2 as Canvas 3
In Canvas 3, delete layer 1
Duplicate Canvas 3 as Canvas 4
In Canvas 3, delete layers 3 - 20
In Canvas 4, delete layer 2
Duplicate Canvas 4 as Canvas 5
In Canvas 4, delete layers 4 - 20


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