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I use OmniWeb as my default browser - I'm a sucker for the Tabs showing content. However, whenever I'm doing development work (particularly when squashing bugs) I have to use Safari with the "Develop" menu or Firefox with firebug (and others). Is there any way to get some feedback from within OmniWeb as to what errors a page is throwing?


OmniWeb has a few debugging features, it has the Error Log, which supports displaying http headers (Show HTTP requests) and OmniWeb also supports Drosera which is the debugger that used to be included with WebKit nightly builds but has since been integrated into WebKit itself. You can still grab it from older WebKit builds like this one though:
So if it's built into WeKit, shouldn't:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 WebKitScriptDebuggerEnabled -bool true

Give me the debug environment when I restart OmniWeb?
That default in OmniWeb should actually already be enabled, it allows Drosera to be attached to OmniWeb, it does not enable the built in debugger that is available in more recent WebKit nightlies.

If you do have trouble attaching Drosera to OmniWeb you might try running that command however.
the version you linked to crashes for me every time with

Process:         Drosera [35474]
Path:            /Applications/
Identifier:      org.webkit.drosera.launcher
Version:         ??? (???)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [156]

Date/Time:       2008-08-19 17:44:58.002 -0400
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17)
Report Version:  6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: _WebScriptDebugServerProcessIdentifierKey
  Referenced from: /Applications/
  Expected in: /Applications/
Looks like it's trying to run using WebKit in your Applications Folder instead of the system level version. Try moving to a different location, you may also be able to correct it by first launching Safari (a non-nightly), I haven't verified this however.

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