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Visio Export doesn't export pattern fill [A: limitation of Visio file format.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have OmniGraffle 5.3.6 for the mac, and when I export my OmniGraffle file to a Visio XML, and open it back up in OmniGraffle, any shapes that had a pattern fill appear as a solid color.
Gradients seem to work, but not the pattern fills.

Is there any way to fix this?

In the meantime, is there another file format that I could use to export as a source file (it needs to be one file, not the multi-file graffle format)...



Last edited by BradP; 2012-02-24 at 12:44 PM..
Brad, if the only hitch to the OmniGraffle format is that it is a package file, you should use the option to save as a single file.

Open the Document: Document inspector. For file format options, choose Save as flat file. If this is a file you've previously saved, make a trivial change to your document and save it again to force it to the new format.

If you always want this option set, you can use the Template mechanism to do so automatically. See the built-in help for "templates" for details.

I don't know the answer to anything involving Visio, and wish to keep it that way :-) If no one responds here, you should use Help->Send Feedback in the app to contact Omni directly, which will get you a guaranteed response, unlike posting here.
Thanks whpalmer, I'll use that as a workaround until I hear about the Visio Exporter getting fixed in OmniGraffle.
Brad, sorry for the inconvenience, but to the best of our knowledge this is a limitation on Visio's side of the equation. When we last checked, they didn't support arbitrary pattern fills. There are some specific ones that work, but OmniGraffle does have the ability to create fills that Visio can't handle.

We try to maintain as much visual fidelity as we can when exporting, but in cases where the file format we're going to lacks a feature that OmniGraffle has, we try to make a sensible substitution rather than limit what OmniGraffle itself can do. That's what's going on here.

If you're able to send the file to we can take a look and see what can be done, though. Thanks for the help!
Hi Brian,

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep that in mind when using the Visio format.


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