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V1.5 Anyone else having "frozen" and stability issues? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Looking at another posting on this forum "is 1.5 stable enough", it seems that others are not reporting a stability issue with v1.5

However my story is different. Since updating i am getting a daily "applemac cirlce of death" on the screen.

Although it appears it crashes, If you leave it long enough (typically 5mins) then omnifocus does recover. During the 5mins (sometimes longer) I am not able to do anything.

I would say that this is happening 3 times a day to me and It only seems to have become an issue after upgrading to 1.5

I just saw this posting (i wonder if this is connected).

Interesting I just checked the size of my latest backup file (54Mb). that's big! My last backup on version 1.1 was 5Mb (a 10 fold increase?). whereas I estimate that the amount of additional data from then to now is 10% (therefore it would be a 6Mb file in the old version)

So I wonder If I've asked and answered my own question?

Final note: just had a little more experience of this today. I have chosen to "back up whenever i quit in OmniFocus"in my omnifocus preferences as then the back-up file immediately gets uploaded to my online back-up system.
It has just taken 8 minutes to quit O.focus (the time is getting longer and longer each day). It was never a problem for me before.

Last edited by wayne4; 2008-11-13 at 07:23 AM..
If you look at your backups, are they growing day-by-day? If so, this post might be helpful.

blooming ek !! curt

How did you find out that?

that's so technical

Anyway, I'll give it a go tonight and If I don't post back then you can assume that it worked

thanks very much for your reply (& time!!)

Note for others: If you are lost by curts suggestion then read the full post here

Last edited by wayne4; 2008-11-13 at 10:37 AM..

I have just actioned your suggestion

It worked! well sort of

I have now reduced the time it takes to back-up, instead of 8mins as mentioned above, it took 90 seconds (a vast improvement) & instead of 54MB back-up file size i now have a 28MB file size (so thats halved it), however considerably more than the 6MB that i mentioned above.

The only action that i carried out was :-
1) go to omnifocus preferences
2) select "sync" and check box "keep the sync database on this mac", then choose a password,

it then started to do it's work, is there anything else that i've missed (i followed your instructions fully i think?)

once again thanks very much Curt for your help and time
Well, I didn't really post "instructions", but yours are correct. You may find that the DB shrinks a bit more over the next day. You might also want to try the File --> Move Old Data to Archive command. That moves old completed items to a secondary database.

I'm having the problem of it will not quit. It's like it refuses to listen. The app still responds and you can work in it.

Exactly like a kid that won't go to bed.

Check to make sure you don't have a window open trying to tell you about the state of sync clients -- the program will work normally, but not allow you to quit if you do. If you've got a stale sync client, it will attempt to warn you and pop up one of those windows.

There may well be other things causing it to refuse to quit, but this is an easy one to check (and fix).
No other window open.
I can't believe I'm the only one...
Originally Posted by Hawkcode View Post
I'm having the problem of it will not quit. It's like it refuses to listen. The app still responds and you can work in it.
This is definitely not normal: please contact our tech support ninjas at so they can help you figure out what's going wrong and how to fix it.

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