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Hide Sidebar with Keyboard shortcut Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hope the title says it all: is it possible to hide the sidebar using the keyboard?
I don't believe this is possible, and I wasn't able to find a feature request in our development database that would cover this. Please shoot an email to the support ninjas so we can get this filed properly.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-12-10 at 04:21 PM.. Reason: Corrected my failure to use "please" when asking for email. :-)
Done. Thanks!
So would it help if more people were to pile on with this request? I would like this, too!
I don't think it hurts to mention your interest here, but to truly get your "vote" heard you should send an email to Omni Group via the Help -> Send Feedback… menu command.

Is this still not possible? I just went searching and found this old thread. I don't see it as listed in the keyboard shortcuts. I've already sent a feature request to OF, but in looking at the date of this thread I figured maybe I should ask here incase it's been added but the keyboard shortcut list hasn't.
Not that I know of though you can create a perspective that has it hidden. Maybe in v.2.
Originally Posted by Pat Gilmour View Post
Not that I know of though you can create a perspective that has it hidden. Maybe in v.2.

I've got a perspective set up in Planning mode that I run. Then I focus on certain projects. Then I switch to context mode. And it's at THIS point that I want to collapse the sidebar.

I can't see an easy way to choose the group of projects without doing it this way, so I can't save it as a perspective already in context mode.

Thanks for the response though. As I said, I've submitted my request.
Originally Posted by Pat Gilmour View Post
Not that I know of though you can create a perspective that has it hidden. Maybe in v.2.
This works -- sort of -- but I find it so flaky that it's actually not reliable at all. Whether a given perspective restores the "collapsed" state of the sidebar or not depends on which other perspectives you've viewed before switching to it. Here's what I did; if you feel like testing it, see if this is wonky for you too.

- I created a perspective in project-mode with a specific project selected and the sidebar collapsed.

- When switching to another project-mode perspective, the sidebar remains collapsed (even if the other perspective was saved with it open) -- thus it in fact *disregards* the saved sidebar state.

- When switching to a context-mode perspective in which the sidebar should be expanded, the sidebar opens back to to the width I saved for that perspective. If I now switch back to my new project-mode perspective, the sidebar returns to its closed state. Everything is working as expected here.

- When I switch to a context-mode perspective with an expanded sidebar, the sidebar is shown (as expected). If I then switch to a *different* project-mode perspective (one in which the sidebar should be shown), then back to my original project-mode perspective, the sidebar is opened, ignoring the saved state.

- At any time, when the sidebar state isn't restored properly, I can just switch to any perspective with the opposite mode, then switch back, and then the sidebar state will be restored as expected. This would be a nice workaround in theory, but unfortunately this process also causes the entire window to expand wider than I wanted it, so I end up having to manually resize the window every time I go through this process.

So it seems the saved open/closed state of the sidebar is actually only honored when switching from context- to project-mode, or vice versa (i.e. when switching from a context-mode perspective to a project-mode one, or vice versa). When switching to a perspective that uses the same mode (project or context) as the current one, the sidebar state is ignored.

I assume this is just a bug, so I'll report it via the feedback form now.
I tried your reported experiment, and found that OmniFocus did exactly the correct thing in all cases. I would check to make sure that you've got the Restore Layout box ticked in all of your perspectives. The behavior you get if you've omitted it is like what you have described.

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