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Existing blank tabs not used for external links Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This one's been around since 5.0, and it's open to interpretation whether it constitutes a bug or a feature request, but in any case is something I think should be taken care of.

When there is a blank tab already open in the drawer (for whatever reason), and an external application tells OmniWeb to open a URL, instead of using the existing blank tab, another new tab is needlessly created, and then I have to close the first one. Since a blank tab is obviously not serving any purpose other than to eventually be used to load a page, I believe it can be safely assumed that a user wanted that tab to be used in the next situation where a new tab is needed.

Although this isn't necessarily the only situation in which it happens, I am in the habit of sometimes creating a new tab when I want to be sure that a link from another program will not replace any of my currently-open tabs. I do have OmniWeb set to open external links in a new tab, but the behavior of OmniWeb's search field in the toolbar is such that it isn't possible to start a search in a new tab without manually creating the new tab before searching (since Command-return still doesn't work in that field; this in itself should be added as well, but that's another story), and this inconsistency is the main reason why I sometimes end up creating new tabs in other situations where it's not necessary. In those cases -- or in any other situation where a new tab was created but not used for anything -- that tab should be used for anything that tries to create a new tab, rather than creating another new one.
I'm all for consistency. If clicking on a link in another app is set to open a new tab, it should always open a new tab.

Also, a new tab is only blank if the prefs are set that way. Someone may want their new tab not to be disturbed because they have a start page selected.
Fair enough. As an alternative suggestion, then, the search field should support pressing Command-Return to open the search results in a new tab.

And on a similar note, Option-Return in the address bar should download the file at the given URI instead of opening it in the window (in keeping with the fact that one can Option-click a link to download it). Currently the only way to do it is to use the File > Open Location command, then choose "Downloads Window" from a drop-down menu (which doesn't remember your most recent setting, so this always involves several steps).
Originally Posted by Stormchild
Currently the only way to do it is to use the File > Open Location command, then choose "Downloads Window" [...]
Actually, you can also edit the URL in the location field and then drag the icon to the downloads window to start a download...

That said, I like the alt-return idea, just don't know when we can get to it...
Yep. alt+return "makes sense." As far as the search string goes, you can hit command+L, type your search keyword and string, then hit command+return and you'll get your result. There's another thread on that somewhere around here.
Originally Posted by Forrest
Yep. alt+return "makes sense." As far as the search string goes, you can hit command+L, type your search keyword and string, then hit command+return and you'll get your result. There's another thread on that somewhere around here.
I love search keywords; it's one of the key features that have kept me from jumping ship even as OW 5.1 fell way behind Safari's speed and rendering accuracy (and with OW 5.5 I can happily say the tables have turned -- wow, two bad puns in the same sentence). I actually only use the toolbar search for Google, and keywords for everything else, but I really ought to just yank that off the toolbar and get in the habit of searching Google in the same way. Good idea.

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