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Cannot Edit in OmniGraffle 4 Due to Newer version save Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello. So my problem is as follows.

I have several OmniGraffle files that were created and saved in a newer version of OmniGraffle. So when I open those files up they are read only. I need to be able to edit these ASAP, as we have a presentation with the client tomorrow. Are there any converters available/workarounds?

Also to be able to update this mac to Snow Leopard get the newer version is not in the picture at the moment due to company policy.

I am running OSX 10.4.11

Any help / comments / feedback is very much appreciated.


If they're read-only, I'd be willing to bet that they have more than one canvas, which the standard version of OmniGraffle 4 didn't support (it's a feature in version 5, however).

I'd suggest grabbing a copy of OmniGraffle Professional 4.2.3, and a 24 hour trial license so you can either do the presentation or split the file's canvases up into individual 1-canvas documents.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Thank you! I will give that a try. And Yes it has 4 canvases/layers.
Thanks! It worked. So if I purchase a full license will I have these issues again or not? I am hesitant as this is a older version.
If you run into this again, you can always grab another 24 hour trial license, and all should go well.

We're not selling OmniGraffle Professional 4 any longer, however if you purchase version 5 and let us know, we can generate a version 4 license key for you.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
I think I will have to do that. My main worry is if I purchase a licensee and it not working(giving the read only error again). That would not be good. So does only the 24 fix release the read-only thing? or would a pro version key do it forever?
Any license key whether it be 24 hour or permanent will work just fine -- It's that you're using OmniGraffle Professional 4 in either case, which can ready multiple canvas documents without issue.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

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