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Buy iPhone version now or wait for iPad version? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just got an iPad, and since I don't have an iPhone I don't already have the iPhone version of OmniFocus to bring over to the new device. If I buy OmniFocus for iPhone now and use it on my iPad for a month+, will I have to buy it again when the iPad version comes out? If the latter, I'll wait, although not having access to OF on my iPad is difficult. Thanks.

No official word. Better to wait if you feel you'll be annoyed about "paying twice".

Omni has to sink more development resources into the OmniFocus iPad version, so there's a good chance they'll want to get paid for that.

OF iPad is due sometime in June.
I'd recommend waiting: OmniFocus for iPad will be a completely new app, designed specifically for iPad.
Waiting does seem like the best move. It would annoy me to pay twice, but I wish there was an upgrade path (or a "buy now, get the new version for the difference" sort of thing), so I could start using it now. I'm going to have to sync with iCal, which I don't *really* want to do. All I can say to the OmniFolks is "Get a move on!" :)

At the moment, iTunes does not have an "upgrade" path for the apps sold on the iTunes store. Maybe they'll add that feature. For now developers are stuck with releasing a new version of the app and charge accordingly every time it gets revised. They'd have to sell a separate iPad version instead of upgrading from the iPhone version.

The apps store is always evolving. After all, iTunes finally got within-app purchases going on now.

Last edited by wilsonng; 2010-05-13 at 03:00 PM..
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
I'd recommend waiting: OmniFocus for iPad will be a completely new app, designed specifically for iPad.
Hi Ken, I know you'll let us know when you have more details, but of course we're all hungry to see what OF on the iPad might look like. Any chance a screenshot or two might be forthcoming?
A few teaser screenshots on the blog would be fantastic...:)
Personally I am glad to hear it will be a new application for the iPad. The larger screen space means a lot more can be done. Frankly, OmniFocus as it exists on the desktop is probably a very similar layout to what is possible on the iPad (Side bar on left, filters across the top, actions and projects as list hierarchies below).

The iPhone version really is an extension of the OmniFocus world from the desktop. This is great for "Doing" and "capturing", but because of limited space its not great for processing and planning.

The iPad version should be more than an extension. In some ways it should be almost on par with Desktop version, minus the multiple window features. In otherwords, it should allow me to do more of the phases of GTD workflow.

Can't wait!
I agree. I've been playing with the hacked "iPad version" (iPhone version modified to fill the screen) and it is really only a little more useful than the iPhone version. It's definitely better, yes, but you still want to use the desktop.

iPhone apps tend to have a tree like structure with very deep leaves. You need to drill down before you can do something. OmniFocus on the desktop is very flat. At any point you can quickly manipulate many different things. It's a natural expectation given the screen size. The "iPad version (hacked)" is much nicer for viewing because you can see so much more, but it really isn't any better for editing. Marginally because of the keyboard, that's about it.

I would like to see a short-term official "big iPad version" like the hacked one, but unfortunately it's actually not that easy. If they made the iPhone version a "fat binary" for both, it would trick people with iPads into buying the wrong version. There is no upgrade path - no way to treat people who bought the iPhone version a discount on the iPad version.

So, yeah, keep up the great work. If OmniGroup ever offers a subscription plan, where I just give you money every month and I get to use all your apps, I'm in :)
Originally Posted by gopi View Post
iPhone apps tend to have a tree like structure with very deep leaves. You need to drill down before you can do something. OmniFocus on the desktop is very flat.
Thanks, Gopi, you've just summed up the biggest problem I have with OF on my iPhone. I'm never near my Mac so a mobile app is essential for me, but I struggle so much with OmniFocus because everything is hidden down the far end of tree branches.

I'm hoping OF for iPad will give me a look at the whole tree like the desktop app does.

Similarly, I hope we'll be able to input stuff as fast as on the desktop, rather than having to basically open a dialog for each item. No good for brainstorming, so I end up having to use the Notes app and then transcribe it all in.

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