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Drawing multiple connections to network devices Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am struggling to find the best way to draw multiple line connections between two devices. I would like them to no overlap, and for them to be equally distant from each other.

I realize I could add more "magnets", but I'm not sure how to get them equally spaced apart.

Maybe another way to describe would be like this.

draw two lines between two existing magnets, then offset the lines by tweaking some value.

Any suggestions?

I am not sure what your problem is, there are many ways to produce what you want.

To space anything equi-distant from anything else, you need to use the Grid (Major/Minor), after having set the Grid up for yor drawing.

You can do it with or with magnets; if you use magnets you can easily set them equi-distant from each other (again, helps to have the Grid set up first).

Then use mid-points to make the lines meaningful.

Here an example of (1) simple (no mid-points) connections with or without magnets (2) lines with mid-points so that there is room for labels or whatever.

For more specific diagrams (3), I find it is easier to draw the sockets (small boxes with one magnet each) which are aligned to Grid. That allows immediate identification of unused slots, etc. Groups the sockets with the device shape.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	NetwokDev.jpg
Views:	2288
Size:	69.8 KB
ID:	1399  

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-05-18 at 07:29 AM..
gkwait, I believe that we have a feature request open for the ability to route lines parallel to each other like this.

If you email the support ninjas, they can attach your email to that item in our development database so the team will know that you'd like to see this added to a future version of OmniGraffle. Thanks!
I'm very frustrated with trying to draw lines as well. The lock to the same places, and pop to different locations when I try to modify some of the positions. Even moving the magnets is clumsy. Am I missing something?
Originally Posted by reekster View Post
I'm very frustrated with trying to draw lines as well. The lock to the same places, and pop to different locations when I try to modify some of the positions. Even moving the magnets is clumsy. Am I missing something?
It appears to me that you are indeed missing something. I find OG very precise and predictable, not at all clumsy (and many other drawing tools are). For "locking to the same places", those are magnets, on the edges of shapes, and other people may well want multiple lines locking into the same positions; but they can be easily changed if you want a different result.

Certainly, there is some automatic behaviour for lines, it will be helpful to you if you understand how OG works. Rather than "drawing" lines, think of it as:
• connecting two shapes with a line
• then use midpoints (double-click on the line) to place the line exactly where you want it

Alternately, if you really want to draw a line (ie. the un-connected article), just:
• place a line anywhere on the canvas
• then change the midpoints
• then change the characteristics

Have a look at the tutorials, the manuals, and other posts:
One example

Feel free to post the exact problem you have, with an example attached.

Last edited by DerekAsirvadem; 2010-09-28 at 12:45 AM..

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