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Omnigraffle Rearranging Shapes? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey everyone. I am a new user of Omnigraffle and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong..

When I attempt to connect shapes with a line, Omnigraffle rearranges all my shapes into a long straight line.. I have no idea why as it seems really arbitrary as to when this happens. Sometimes the line connects fine, and other times, placing a line will just make Omnigraffle rearrange all the shapes..

If my problem isnt clear, please let me know and I will try and explain it better.

Thanks so much for any help!
You have chosen a document template that has the auto-layout feature turned on, or you turned it on without realizing it. Go to the Canvas : Diagram Layout inspector, uncheck the auto-layout box, and your objects will no longer act as if possessed :-)
I could not figure this out and am new to omnigraffle as well. You just made me so happy!!

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