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Can I sync the iPad and iPhone w/out a Mac? [A: Yes! See thread.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm new to Omnifocus and I've been using the iPad version since launch. Wanting to integrate it even more into my life, I decided to get the iPhone version too - assuming that I could sync the two. Now I've got both, but I can't figure out how to sync them. Is there a tutorial here that can help?

Last edited by Jplang; 2010-09-14 at 06:59 AM..
Solved - went through mobile me. Thanks
In case anyone else wanders through asking the same question... You can sync them together, but it has to go through some server -- MobileMe, Omni's sync server (in beta), or another WebDAV somewhere.
Hi guys. I currently am using things for mac iPhone and iPad. However the lack of cloud sync is making me look elsewhere. I want to know is it possible to sync omnifocus on the iPad with my iPhone 4 which I carry around together. I would be on the same wifi network. Can anyone indicate if this is possible and if so how to set this up.

Many thanks inadvance.
Merging two similar threads asking the same question, retitling the merged thread to make things a bit more findable.

Yep, OmniFocus for iPad and OmniFocus for iPhone can sync with each other; the Mac app is not required. You'll need someplace to store your sync data, and then the two devices can sync with each other via WebDAV.

(iOS devices can't be their own sync server the way a Mac running OS X can, so Bonjour sync is only an option if there's a Mac in there somewhere.)

The easiest way to get up and running would be to head over to our Omni Sync Server page and set up an account. When you do that, the server will send you an email which contains a link you can use to set up both versions of OmniFocus to sync with each other.

Just install OmniFocus on each device, open the email the server sent, and tap the link. OmniFocus will launch, ask if you want to replace your sync settings, and set everything up. If you have existing data in one version or the other, you'll want to start with that device; from then on, though, you should be good to go.

(Note that if you do have a MobileMe subscription, your iDisk will work just fine for storing your sync data, as well.)

An added advantage here is that you'll be able to sync either device any time they have an internet connection. You don't have to sync all your devices at the same time.

Last edited by Brian; 2010-10-22 at 06:16 PM..
Thanks Brian for the detailed instructions. I'm having an issue now with omnifocus on the iPhone. Basicly I log on to the omnifocus server and try andtry and click the button that says replace the server settings in omnifocus. Once I do that the omnifocus opens for a moment on the iPhone then simply crashes and goes back to the application page where the icons are b

Any advice?
I also have an issue. I set up Omnifocus on the iPad to sync with MobileMe, then bought Omnifocus for iPhone and synced it with the same account. The information in the file in the iDisk at MobileMe shows up on the iPhone, but when I try to add an action from the iPhone, the keyboard doesn't appear and I can't click into either the title or body fields.
Originally Posted by Emkwan View Post
Thanks Brian for the detailed instructions. I'm having an issue now with omnifocus on the iPhone. Basicly I log on to the omnifocus server and try andtry and click the button that says replace the server settings in omnifocus. Once I do that the omnifocus opens for a moment on the iPhone then simply crashes and goes back to the application page where the icons are b

Any advice?
Contact the support ninjas at and they will get you fixed up (and hopefully gather some clues as to the underlying cause).
Originally Posted by jlmccreery View Post
I also have an issue. I set up Omnifocus on the iPad to sync with MobileMe, then bought Omnifocus for iPhone and synced it with the same account. The information in the file in the iDisk at MobileMe shows up on the iPhone, but when I try to add an action from the iPhone, the keyboard doesn't appear and I can't click into either the title or body fields.
Try restarting the iPhone. Hold down the button on top until the power-off slider appears, then use it. Start up the iPhone again and it should work.
I have an iPad and an iPhone. I recently purchased Omnifocus for the iPhone to sync with my iPad. How do I do this?

I do not own a Mac.

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