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Selling Omnifocus for Mac License [License has been sold.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I bought and installed Omnifocus for the Mac (and for the iPhone) and after repeated attempts to get comfortable with the product, I just can't seem to get comfortable with it.

So I'd like to sell my license. Omnigroup allows reselling of licenses - we just have to tell them who the new owner is.

Contact me for details at debris7 [at] gmail.

Original price is $80. I'll sell for $60. Paypal is probably easiest.


Huh, Omnifocus is so customizable......hard to believe that one can't get comfortable with it.

I'm selling my Omnifocus for Mac License. If anyone is interested, contact me at debris7@gmail. Or if you know anyone who would like to buy.

Omnigroup allows license reselling - and I can walk you through the exchange.

Consolidating your threads, Debris; in order to make sure the forums stay useful for visitors, we try to keep them as free of repeated content as we can manage.

If you bump this once a week or so, it shouldn't be a problem, but please keep the posts confined to a single thread. Thanks!

Oh, it would also be helpful if you could please post here once the license is sold; I'll lock the thread so folks don't start asking about it years later. (It's happened!)
Hey thanks Brian - sure, will post once its sold. No hits so far...

Have you sold the omnifocus for mac yet?
Hi all - thanks for your interest. As of December 4, 2011, the license has been sold.


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