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Add the ability to hide project folders with no content or future start dates Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Just wanted to ask what others think about the following idea. so far it happens that in the project view empty folders or single action lists show up in the side bar even if the state "active" is selected. for the sake of focus it would be nice to hide folders and or single action lists without any content or with future start dates. any thoughts about that? cheers k:d
I don't want to hide them from the sidebar. If they're active; they're active and they should show up there. Otherwise it's harder to add new tasks to them.

As far as seeing them in the right-side pane, I'd like to not see them if there are no active items. This makes project view a lot less cluttered. There are some script-based workarounds to do this, though I don't use them as it's more work than I think it should be, which is to have the product behave like this in the first place ;-)

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