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Multiple macs & devices? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm wondering about best practices for adding an additional Mac to my set-up for synching. Right now I use a desktop mac that contains my OF sync server. I will not use the Omni server or any cloud based service at all so that rules that option out.

I currently sync my iPad and iPhone to my mac and it's all working well.

However, I will be traveling for a while soon and will need to add my MacBook into the mix. What I really want to do is temporarily, for the duration of my trip, move my master sync device over to the MacBook, then when I return get it back on my desktop machine. That way hile I am traveling my MacBook will be the system my handhelds sync to and when I return all will revert to the bigger desktop Mac. I've never run OF on my MacBook before so that is the first thing to get running.

Any suggestions or pitfalls to be aware of before I jump into this transition?
I would do the following:

Sync the current desktop Mac and the handhelds and make sure everything is in sync.

Export a backup from the desktop Mac.

Now configure the MacBook to sync with the desktop. Sync and make sure everything looks good on the MacBook.

Turn off syncing on the desktop Mac.

Set the MacBook to be the sync repository.

Configure handhelds to sync from MacBook. Add a few test actions and make sure they all end up in the right places after syncing.

When you return from the trip, do the same procedure, except you'll use the MacBook where you used the desktop and vice versa.

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