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Show/Hide status barre shortcut Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I think it would be nice to think about changing the shortcut for the command "Show/Hide status barre" since the key \ is not convenient to do on non QWERTY keyboards because it is not a direct key ... For exemple, on a French keyboard to make this shortcut, you have to press <Apple><Alt><Shift><:> ...
You an use the System Preferences>Keyboard and Mouse>Keyboard shortcuts settings to modify the shortcut, fwiw.
Originally Posted by JKT View Post
You an use the System Preferences>Keyboard and Mouse>Keyboard shortcuts settings to modify the shortcut, fwiw.
I wish that feature actually worked consistently. I have tried creating shortcuts for menu items several times using the built-in method in System Preferences, and they generally do not work.

For example, I wanted the shortcut to "zoom" the iTunes window (i.e. toggle the full window / mini player) to be Ctrl-Z (instead of the default Ctrl-Command-Z). I set it up in System Prefs, relaunched iTunes, and although it showed my new shortcut in the menu itself, the shortcut does not work unless I click to open the menu first, and then press the shortcut keys -- which is obviously completely stupid and useless.

That's how it has always worked since these were added in 10.3 (or was it 10.4?), and I was disappointed to find they are still broken in 10.5 too.

Has anyone had better success with these than I have?
For the few app(s) where I have used that preference pane, it has generally been to add new shortcuts for menu items that didn't previously have them, and this hasn't led me to experience any problems at all. However, I don't recall ever re-assigning a shortcut to something else, so perhaps that is the difference?
Originally Posted by JKT View Post
For the few app(s) where I have used that preference pane, it has generally been to add new shortcuts for menu items that didn't previously have them, and this hasn't led me to experience any problems at all. However, I don't recall ever re-assigning a shortcut to something else, so perhaps that is the difference?
Doubt it. iTunes previously did not have a shortcut for Window > Zoom, and when I added one at that time, it didn't work then either. The new (or changed) shortcut does appear next to the menu item after relaunching the program, but the shortcut simply does not work. Unless I first click to open the menu; then it works -- but at that point, who cares?

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