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Due items not showing as due! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I can't find the answer by searching the forums, so I'll ask here.

I have a few recurring items in a single action list called "Home Chores."

One of these items, "Take out trash" is due tomorrow, but isn't turning amber/red to warn me it is going to do so. Why is this? I've rechecked the due dates and everything is in order. Another item in this list is alerting appropriately.

I have also noticed these items that have due dates are displayed in gray text rather than the blue text the items without due dates have. All items are assigned contexts.

* sigh * sorry for the silly questions, but I can't seem to figure this part out.

-- Kevin
Is it possible the assigned context is on hold? That will gray-out an associated action as well.
I see this too on a regular basis. I was told by a support ninja that this is a known bug that will be fixed at some future date.
We had a bug along these lines, but we fixed it for 1.0.1 if I remember correctly. If folks are seeing this behavior, they should contact us so we can try to determine what's going on.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We had a bug along these lines, but we fixed it for 1.0.1 if I remember correctly. If folks are seeing this behavior, they should contact us so we can try to determine what's going on.
I reported this on April 30 with 1.0.2 sneakypeak v77., OG #290039.
Okay, then it looks like I was thinking of a different bug. Folks should still contact us at the address I linked above so we can collect information on the problem, please.

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