Hi there,
I fould a really helpful script on asianefficiency.com, which can be used with a hazel rule (http://www.asianefficiency.com/task-...focus-hotspot/).
The script automatically looks at a folder and creates a new task for new files in the folder (and moving the file away). This is quite nice, but it would be a lot more helpful for me if I could assign a project, a context and a start time (today+x).
Anyone able to help me? Didn't found a documentation of all the OmniFocus Parameters (and still if i'd found it i think i wouldn't have managed to get this done; kinda new to apple and not the biggest nerd).
Here is the script:
the variable "projectname" seems not to be working, I've set that to a project i have "Proceed Files" but... this is not added to the task.
Would be cool if you could help me :-)
I fould a really helpful script on asianefficiency.com, which can be used with a hazel rule (http://www.asianefficiency.com/task-...focus-hotspot/).
The script automatically looks at a folder and creates a new task for new files in the folder (and moving the file away). This is quite nice, but it would be a lot more helpful for me if I could assign a project, a context and a start time (today+x).
Anyone able to help me? Didn't found a documentation of all the OmniFocus Parameters (and still if i'd found it i think i wouldn't have managed to get this done; kinda new to apple and not the biggest nerd).
Here is the script:
tell application "Finder" to set file_name to (name of theFile) set theDate to current date set theNote to "Scanned " & (theDate as string) & " " set projectname to "Proceed Files" set theTask to "Proceed: \"" & file_name & "\"" tell application "OmniFocus" set task_title to theTask tell default document set newTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:task_title} set theProject to projectname set note of newTask to theNote tell the note of newTask make new file attachment with properties {file name:theFile, embedded:false} end tell end tell end tell
Would be cool if you could help me :-)