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Clipboard copying through Citrix not working... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
using Omni Graffle professional (have been for years) and finally jump on the forum.... instead of continuing with a now annoying work-around.

I sit on a MBPro dualcore 64bit machine, from which I write pathology reports (blood pathology). I use filemaker, OmniGraffle, and citrix in to an access DB to write reports on the (through citrix) native MSWord inside my company's server system.

I create composite (grouped) photos of specimens in OG. These need to be incorporated into the MSWord document. Currently I cannot select and copy the image as is from OG but can select and copy w/ Preview, then paste to MSWord. Am also able to copy text from FM over the citrix into word....

Is there a way that I can do this directly? Is this an issue of the filetype? Is there a hack or an applescript or something that would save me the preview step?
I wish I were savvier about this-- but my daily tasks tax my poor neurons enough!

Working fine here.

( OS X 10.7, OG 5.4, MS Word 14.2 )

If evaluating this:
the clipboard as record
in Applescript Editor doesn't show data after an attempted copy, then my first guess would be that the Cmd C keystroke has somehow lost its assignment to Edit > Copy in OmniGraffle.

Does it work if you choose Edit > Copy from the menu, rather than using a keyboard shortcut ?

If the Citrix context is the key, it might be worth experimenting with the various Copy As options, and perhaps re-assigning Cmd C if one of them works.


Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-04-25 at 02:32 PM..
Does it work if you choose Edit > Copy from the menu, rather than using a keyboard shortcut ? No

I haven't checked applescript editor; will try next time and get back to you. Thanks, Rob!

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