Hi there,
I sent the e-mail below regularly, using the feedback function in OF. It was just a blurb occupying my brains, so, yeah. You get the idea.
I was quite surprised when I received an answer inside one hour from the Ninjas, asking whether other people feel like this? Hence this thread.
Here’s my rambling:
Derek asked others who feel similar about this thingy to use the Send Feedback function, too. So, yeah.
What do you think?
I sent the e-mail below regularly, using the feedback function in OF. It was just a blurb occupying my brains, so, yeah. You get the idea.
I was quite surprised when I received an answer inside one hour from the Ninjas, asking whether other people feel like this? Hence this thread.
Here’s my rambling:
Originally Posted by Remember, it’s already night here where I live, so mind the language
Hi there,
are there any plans or wild ideas in the heads of the Omni people about OpenMeta support in OmniFocus? If not so, let me put this meme into your brains right now. The way I see it, OpenMeta would enable OF to interact seamlessly with loads of info on a current Mac. Say, e-mails. Right now, MailTags support is in it to automatically fill in Projects and the like when adding a message to OF via the short-cut. But some People rather prefer „Tags“ to, well, tag stuff on their Mac, including e-mail. Anyway, MailTags will soon support OpenMeta anyway ... „Leap“ and others will follow suit, too. Just imagine having ONE keyword for a whole project, and you can access everything from e-mail to materials to bills to OF tasks via this one keyword. This is NOT one of those requests blurting about “give us TAGS NOW OR I’LL BUY THINGS!!!111+”. Actually, I’m not interested in general purpose tags in OF at all (it would play havoc with my GTD system). But interaction between applications is what makes Macs great for me. So, rather than developing loads of plugins for all possible kind of imports as you do now, why not put your money on OpenMeta and cover a potential plethora of them? Yes, I am aware that OpenMeta is not Apple approved, actually a hack, and might die quicker than a roadrunner hitting a wall. All it takes is Apple to say NO WAY in Snow Leopard, remove xattr, and it might become difficult. But as the source code is open source, with no commercial restrictions in the license, perhaps as one additional plug-in to OmniFocus? Just some thoughts I blurted out. Into my OF Inbox, I may add. Really handy software you guys made, worth every penny. Cheers from Lower Saxony, -Sascha |
What do you think?