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OmniFocus fails sync first time around, always have to Retry to get successful sync Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've searched the threads for a similar issue and didn't find anything, but still apologize if this is already answered...

Every time I use OF on my Mac (most recent OF version, running 10.7.3 Lion), it has a sync error upon either bringing OF to foreground, waking my MBP from sleep, etc. It gives the "Unable to synchronize with server..." message, and when I click "Retry" it works fine. This also happens with my iPhone, every single time. And likewise, it works after I tap to Retry the sync.

So my hunch is that it's trying initiate sync before my device or Mac has established network connection, upon waking from sleep, but I'm not sure about it because occasionally this also happens occasionally when the Mac hasn't been sleeping. If it's relevant, occasionally, when I open my sleeping MB and type a query into the Safari search field, I get the "no network" error, and have to wait a beat, and retry the search before it finds the network. This is why I believe it's a timing issue with the device reestablishing the network connection.

Anyway, is there anything I can do about this? Anyway to delay the auto-sync for a second or two? Or is there some other reason entirely?


Sorry for the trouble, Nathan - you've correctly diagnosed the problem. OmniFocus is trying to sync when the network connection hasn't been re-established yet.

By the time that sync fails and the dialog is dismissed, the connection is usually working. We've got an item filed in the development database on handling this more gracefully, but it hasn't made it to the top of the to-do list yet. I'll attach you to that item, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this happen. (The number of customers requesting a change influences our planning; more customers, more likely, all other things being equal.)
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Sorry for the trouble, Nathan - you've correctly diagnosed the problem. OmniFocus is trying to sync when the network connection hasn't been re-established yet.

By the time that sync fails and the dialog is dismissed, the connection is usually working. We've got an item filed in the development database on handling this more gracefully, but it hasn't made it to the top of the to-do list yet. I'll attach you to that item, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this happen. (The number of customers requesting a change influences our planning; more customers, more likely, all other things being equal.)
Make sure I'm on there. I've reported it before, but this seems to be low in the queue with a lot of other things (like the weekday only item blast I saw from today ;-)
Thank you!
Added you CatOne - better safe than sorry. :-)
I'm also affected by this issue. If it helps to put names on the list to make it raise in priority: here you go ...
After I waited through multiple updates for Omni to fix this, it occurred to me finally that it must be my WebDAV server. I was using SwissDisk. As soon as I switched to a different WebDAV server, the issue was solved.

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