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More control over Shared Layers? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I actually LOVE the new 'single click' shared layer. In general, it is the right, simple, base case.

However, as I mock up a string of screens, there are times I 'branch' and need to show something else. This usually needs 1 or 2 shared layers to continue but 1 or 2 new ones for the next few canvases. (using shared layers properly is the KEY to using OG productively)

This is *possible* through a very cumbersome process:
1) Share the layer (which goes EVERYWHERE)
2) Delete from the X canvases that don't need it
3) Repeat for other layers

This is clearly VERY tedious as the number of canvases gets higher.

What I'm asking for is a hidden power user feature, such an an option-click, that would convert a layer to a shared layer, but just keep in in place (effectively the OG5 behavior). I can then drag it to the other Canvases as I need it.
Yes, I agree, I have the same problem and would love to see this resolved in a future release.

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