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shared layer is locked Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
All of my shared layers are locked and the icon is greyed out. Is there a way for me to unlock these so that I can edit them?
I'm having the same problem. Plus, the shared layer icons are gone from the Content menu. I'm using OmniGraffle Pro v6.04.
I think I've solved my own problem: I thought I had upgraded to Pro and I had not. For the past few days, I was allowed to create shared layer files, but now I can't. I guess the Omni Group decided enough was enough and back to Coach for me. What stinks is that all of the content in the layers I had created as shared are all now locked with no discernible way of unlocking them.

This should only add a few hours to this project.

Yes, shame on me for not paying attention to what I was buying (I swear that the price next to the pro upgrade was the same as the regular version), but please Omni Group, maybe you should add some sort of "Heads up" feature to let users know when features they're using are about to be taken away.

Last edited by jkuenzer; 2014-02-23 at 03:45 PM..

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