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Feature Request: Click to call phone numbers Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
A few people have mentioned the idea of associating or embedding a contact into a task. Along those lines, I would love it if the OF recognized phone numbers written in tasks and make them clickable. e.g. "Call Citibank 800-555-1212"

This would be great!
OmniFocus does this already if you put the phone number in the notes. (It doesn't if the number is in the task name itself.)
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
OmniFocus does this already if you put the phone number in the notes. (It doesn't if the number is in the task name itself.)
That's awesome Ken - thanks for the heads up.

Would it be too much to ask to support that in the task name as well? It's a couple of extra steps to drill down to a note to add that info...
There's a feature request in our database for this; I've added your vote! (If anyone else would like to vote for this, please reference #48068 in an email message to Thanks!)

I am not sure if there has been any progress on this or if I've missed a feature in omnifocus that may allow for adding contact numbers easily .... so I would just like to bump up this thread and bring it to life again.

Would be nice to have a way that will input the contact number into the action note.
Originally Posted by Sarkha View Post
so I would just like to bump up this thread and bring it to life again.
The best way to register your vote for this is to email the support ninja's from your app.

Go to the Home Screen.
Swipe down
Tap on settings
send feedback

They don't always monitor the fora

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