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One Omnifocus sharing for two separate iCal accounts? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I want to use Omnifocus and share it with my assistant so that we are on the same page. We both use iCal, gmail, apple mail and both have iphones. We want one Omnifocus file and have the capability to both share it. It has to sync from both ends. Any ideas?
If you guys don't mind sharing your entire OmniFocus databases, you can use our existing synchronization stuff without going through multiple iCal. If your Macs and iPhones are all using the same sync server settings, the data will be synchronized across all the devices.

What you'll be lacking is the ability to add an action that you see on your machine/phone but not on your assistant's; the sync was designed around a one-user workflow, though this may change in some future version of OmniFocus.

That help at all?
Yes, this helps me. I'll be doing this with my wife as she is going to help me stay organized. I'll enter the majority of the tasks in the inbox and she can organize them into proper projects and assign due dates.


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