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Omnifocus crashes as it opens?? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Every time I open omnifocus on my iphone it crashes as "opening document" appears, screen goes blank briefly then back to home screen. I have only recently compacted the database. Not certain if I've properly backed up the data either, unless a standard sync with itunes covers that (which I've done in the last few days also).

Any feedback would be great. I depend on this data for my business and can't find help on the omni or apple sites.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this is causing - if you send email to the support ninjas, we'll get you up and running.
Same issue happened to me, I had to remove, and install the app again for it to work. Fortunately, I am syncing with OmniFocus on my Mac, so I didn't loose any data with it. I don't believe that iTunes backs up OmniFocus app data.
iTunes backs up all (changed) iPhone data each time you attach it to your computer and synch so you could theoretically revert to an older version of your data. However, you can't restore just your OmniFocus data using iTunes and you would have to restore everything on the iPhone to that date.

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