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Export to jpeg bug in Omnigraffle 5.3/Lion Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm experiencing what I think is a bug (it's not doing what I expected anyway) when I export an OmniGraffle document with multiple canvases to JPEG.

Selecting File > Export then selecting Export Area = "Entire Document", the resulting export is one JPEG that is correct, followed by N jpegs that are blank images. This also effects PNG exports as well (I haven't tested other file formats that result in individual files for multiple canvases). Exporting as PDF works fine.

I'm running Lion and OmniGraffle 5.3 (Tag: OmniGraffle/5.3/GM-v138.23). Thanks in advance for your help.
Any help here?
Sorry for the trouble here, stewtopia, but you'll want to email this to our support ninjas. We browse the forums as we're able to do so, but with so many app releases, we haven't had as much time to do so. (In this case, I saw this, but I primarily work on a different set of apps.)

If you email support, though, you're going to get a timely response from someone knowledgable about the specific product you're asking about...
I'm also experiencing this (with PNG export) and it's seriously impacting my workflow. :-(
It appears that your devs were already on top of this one. This is fixed (and I tested it) in 5.3.1 beta 2. Thanks!


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