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Siri/Reminders Capture Issue? [A: Fix available. Update to 1.13.3] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Starting today I noticed that the Siri capture began misbehaving.

I ask Siri to create a reminder, it does, but then two records titled "untitled item" are created - and the Reminder Siri created never makes it to OF.

Siri had been working superbly before today.

Any thoughts?
Hmm... someone mentioned the same issue on Twitter. I hope this isn't the start of an epidemic!

If you have a Mac also connected to iCloud, it would help to see what the actual items look like on the calendar server, before OmniFocus captures them.

[If you don't have a Mac connected to iCloud, there's still a couple things we can try. Do not despair!]

If you do have said Mac, please try the following:

1) On the iPhone: To keep OmniFocus from capturing anything, make sure OmniFocus is not running in the background, by following these steps:

2) Tell Siri a reminder just like you usually would. (But please use some silly action you don't mind sharing with us.)

3) Go fix yourself a cup of tea or do something else for a few minutes to let the iCloud syncing happen.

4) On the Mac, launch iCal and choose "Show Reminders" in the View menu. Make sure your silly action shows up.

5) [Still on the Mac] Now we want to find the actual file containing that action. Use Spotlight (the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of your screen) to search for your action by name. Choose "Show all in finder" from that menu. This will open up a new finder window, and your reminder should be one of the files listed there.

6) Open that file we just found in TextEdit or a similar app, so that you see text like "BEGIN:VCALENDAR". You can paste the whole contents here on the forum, or send it to us in an email ( If you email it, please also include a link to this forum post so the Support Ninja knows what's going on.
I think it might be. I can confirm two other iPhone 4s phones are having this exact same issue. Both went thru full resets just to see if it would fix. Still having issues.

Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Hmm... someone mentioned the same issue on Twitter. I hope this isn't the start of an epidemic!

Last edited by Brian; 2012-02-01 at 02:29 PM.. Reason: fix broken end-quote tag.
PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 5.0.1//EN
DESCRIPTION:Event reminder
This is exactly what I meet today, and it do works perfect yesterday!

I created 2 items using siri,but after it got synced to OmniFocus, it becomes 4 items named "untitled item" in the inbox.

Please help to resolve this issue.


Originally Posted by bertilak View Post
Starting today I noticed that the Siri capture began misbehaving.

I ask Siri to create a reminder, it does, but then two records titled "untitled item" are created - and the Reminder Siri created never makes it to OF.

Siri had been working superbly before today.

Any thoughts?
I have my iphone4s jailbreak yesterday, I am not sure whether it's related.

But I didn't install anything except sbsettings and activator
This seems to be a widespread problem - other task apps that sync with reminders are also having problems and are advising their customers not to sync with reminders/icloud cal until it is fixed. They suspect Apple may have changed something on their servers I believe.

I am seeing the same thing - not jailbroken - all working properly until today.
Originally Posted by marisa8184 View Post
This seems to be a widespread problem - other task apps that sync with reminders are also having problems and are advising their customers not to sync with reminders/icloud cal until it is fixed. They suspect Apple may have changed something on their servers I believe.
Any news on this?

Last edited by Brian; 2012-02-01 at 02:29 PM.. Reason: Fix broken end-quote tag.
Same with me. I've sent the issue to Omni Group support - no word yet. It sure was great while it lasted!
I'm having the exact same problem. Would appreciate an update... I lost a half day's worth of reminders already.

For the sake of troubleshooting:
1.) iCloud sync is enabled.
2.) When OmniFocus is quit (not closed); Siri works perfect. Reminders are saved, and updated to iCloud, along with all other devices.
3.) Upon activating OmniFocus, Reminder is removed from iCloud... but shows up in Inbox as duplicate "Unknown entry" (exact wording escapes me; sorry).

Please update us!

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