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Due view shows nothing (help!) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm just checking to make sure I'm not missing something but I cannot get the Due view to work (iPhone 5, iOS 7.1, latest build).

My forecast shows:
19 2 1 3 1 0 8

And I can set "Due Soon" to any value I like and I never see anything in it.

I've tried resetting the database and resyncing but this hasn't helped. Nearly all of my tasks have due dates (and, as you can see, 19 of them are overdue).

Any ideas?
pull down on the screen to reveal the " secret " hidden settings menu for each view . The middle icon with the eye called " view " is the one you want . Tap that and choose " all " to see all your items .
Thanks for replying. On my phone the "Due" and "Today" views on from the front screen don't have a pull down (hidden) menu.

Perspectives, Inbox and Forecast do, however.
due and today ? omnifocus for iPhone doesn't have a built in " today " view . The V2 for iPhone I have shows : forecast , inbox , flagged, projects , nearby and contexts . Are you possibly looking at a custom perspective that transferred over from the mac version ? They don't have any pulldown menu on them .

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