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Omnifocus crashes all the time on iphone 3g Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Omni Response:

The OmniFocus for iPhone FAQ:

This has been filed internally at Omni as:
<bug://bugs/48370> (Crash on launch, also rebooting phone??)

If you are also experiencing this issue please
Email OmniFocus Support
Original User Question:

Original User Question:I use omnifocus as a standalone app (i don't have a mac) and i just purchased it. To "test" it, I created a simple task in the inbox with a voice recording a two pictures. After going back to home, it kept crashing. Must have crashed 3 times. No other app i installed has done this. Please comment. thanks.

Last edited by xmas; 2008-07-30 at 01:07 PM..
I'm able to crash the app with reasonable frequency if I take a picture while listening to music on the iPod at the same time - I suspect us plus camera plus iPod equals too much memory; Apple loves iTunes more than us, so we get shut down.

I also know that one of the changes we're making in version 1.0.1 of the application is to encode the audio at a lower bit rate. We got email from folks that told us we were using crazy high quality levels. (Higher quality than the mike on the phone would justify, and data files that are too big for a mobile device.)

One action with an audio recording and two pictures could conceivably cause the out-of-memory problem we were discussing in the other thread, if the audio file was large enough.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-07-16 at 11:39 PM..
I also get crashes - on my 2G. Seems to happen after I enter a few actions or projects.
Syncing is on of the things that I feel crashed it.

If iTunes gives you the opportunity to send in your crash reports, please do so. We haven't persuaded Apple to pass those crash reports on to us yet, but we're working on it.
Here's an article on the difficulty of troubleshooting iPhone apps in the walled garden that is iTunes:
in addition to having lost all my data with the mobile upgrade, omnifocus now crashes

Every. Single. Time. I use it.

none of my other apps crash. just omnifocus. it crashes when i create a folder. it crashes when i try to add a task. sometimes it crashes when it's trying to access the database, just for shits and giggles, it seems.

this is Not Cool.
I'm not going to say OmniFocus isn't crashing for other people, as it may well be, but I think it should be mentioned that pretty much *any* app other than the stock ones included with the iPhone/iPod Touch can crash or (sadly, much more often) cause kernel panics that reset the device (i.e. bump you out to the Apple logo, which you will stare at for a frustratingly long time while it boots (and presumably runs fsck) on painfully slow SS memory).

I do get an occasional crash that drops me back out to the springboard (aka home screen), and I attribute those to OmniFocus, but I suspect the kernel panics are an issue with the OS. I've had just about every one of my third-party apps cause my iPod Touch to spontaneously reboot now and then; it usually happens immediately when opening the app.

It does seem to have settled in a bit though. I find it often happens after installing a new app (though it could be any app that triggers the kernel panic, not necessarily the one just installed, leading me to believe the installation process is causing some kind of general instability).
I have written a bit in these forums about my OmniFocus for the iPhone crashing and eventually losing all my data; it has happened twice in the past week. I was able to restore my data before the last crash yesterday, which at the same time did a subtle upgrade to the iPhone's 2.0 Firmware. I also used this opportunity to successfully install OmniFocus's 1.0.1.

I just had my first crash with the updated OmniFocus 1.0.1. I haven't lost data...yet. FYI, I have quite a few applications and have not had any others crash, although I do not use them anywhere as much as OmniFocus.

By the way, how does one free up iPhone memory if they did open up multiple applications in a row, other than restarting the phone?

Originally Posted by Stormchild View Post
... pretty much *any* app other than the stock ones included with the iPhone/iPod Touch can crash or (sadly, much more often) cause kernel panics that reset the device
Brilliant extrapolation to justify your purchase of an expensive piece of crappy software? I have a 2G phone and I haven't had ONE crash with all the apps I'm using on it. There is, however, one difference between your configuration and mine - I didn't pay for one of the most expensive beta level software on the App Store - OmniFocus. I think its pretty clear what the root cause is here.

I religiously use OmniGraffle and OmniOutliner because they are in a class of their own but since OmniFocus this company seems to have hired a lot of Microsoft employess - overpriced and buggy software.

Here's hoping they change their ways and stop ripping off their customers.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-07-24 at 11:53 AM..

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