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only show available contexts on iPhone? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a number of child contexts under an @Out parent context (ie. for different stores or places).

Is there any way to filter out contexts that don't have any actions associated with them? It would help me to focus on contexts that need attention.

Under settings, In Contexts I have "Available" as displayed. Does anyone else think this is a good idea?

Last edited by directo; 2008-08-18 at 06:04 AM.. Reason: changed title
Anybody? In the desktop app, you can filter Contexts by Active and it will only display Contexts that have actions associated with them. With screen real estate essential on the iPhone, I think this would be even more valuable on that platform.

Is this a bug or is it supposed to behave this way?
I can confirm it can't be done right now, but I like seeing "empty" contexts anyway, as they are available to add things into then.

But I'd also love to have user definable perspectives on the iPhone, which would include options like this.
Interesting, if I need to add something directly into a context, I just choose that context when I'm inputting the action into my inbox.

I would prefer to only see available contexts, so I don't have to scroll through all of them. I would have thought that at least having the ability to only see available contexts would be important when you're actually getting things done.
I probably don't have enough contexts for it to be an issue to me. But I agree it should be there as an option.
I agree, this would be terrific!
Another vote for this feature/option.
Please send feedback direct to Omni, a vote here doesn't count for much. I had sent this item to them myself several days after app store launch.


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