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Weird copy/paste problem Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
On occasion, I want to create a new task in some project that's similar to a task in another project. I find that I'm able to use copy/paste if the source task is overdue. Otherwise, the paste seems to be ignored -- i.e., nothing happens.

I'm using sneakypete

Looking to find whether this is a bug or if someone might possibly know what I'm doing wrong.

Is it possible that you're pasting into a view where the filter would hide the task that you're pasting? For example, you might be pasting a task into a sequential project with the view set to show only available actions. The pasted task would be blocked--that is, not available--so wouldn't appear in the view.

I group and sort by due and only filter on status = remaining, so I'm pretty sure that's not the case. What's weird is that I switched to Context view, then back to Projects view... and all of a sudden my pastes showed up under Library rather than the folder I was in when I did the paste.

Since then, all of my pastes have worked just fine... so it sounds like my current UI context was somehow corrupt.

I'll try to keep better track of what I'm doing and repost if it happens again.

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