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HTML Table of Contents Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Dear Omni and Forum members,

The Omni team has done a great job with the new HTML export capabilities within OO. However, I believe one feature is sorely missed - that of a table of contents generated at the beginning of the HTML export with link to the various sections as they appear (to their level of expansion) in the side-bar. This feature would allow for the marvelous translation of the OO side-bar available in the Professional edition to an exported file. This is specially useful for large documents and documents that are more technical in nature. It would be great if this feature were considered since it would make for an amazing HTML exported file and easier use of OO for development of web-based documents.

Thank you,
We all browse the forums as we're able, but if you want to be sure this gets to the right people, please use "Send Feedback" under the help menu to shoot an email to the support ninjas; they'll be sure to match your request up with other folks' or enter it as a new request. Thanks for using OmniOutliner and thanks for the suggestion!

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