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Best Practice Question: Notes Inspector vs Notes Layer Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Question for the experts out there. What do you think is better for providing guidance to developers:

1. Enter the notes via the notes inspector or

2. Create a notes layer and put all the notes for the canvas on the notes layer or

3. Another way that I haven't thought of?

Thanks for your insight!
Depends on the drawing.

80% of the time: I pretty much enter Notes separately, so that they show up when you hover over the object.

20%: when working with developers and an intense web-frame, it is good to use a Notes layer that you can print or not (by choice, by clicking the symbol on the canvas/layer). That is not Notes as far as OG goes, nothing shows up on hover.

I did ask for a "drag all Notes into a notes layer" button, but that was years ago.
I have a high contrast stencil I use to add notes to a separate layer so they stand out against the comp. A number of my developers like to print it out, so the notes hover wouldn't work for them. Its also quite useful to be able to show alternate states in a callout with the notes and such.

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