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Something like (FF) Web Developer extension? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I find the 'Web Developer' extension in FireFox extremely useful for tasks like experimentally tweaking CSS and seeing the impact on a page, or playing with the HTML the same way.

Is there anything like this for OW?

You can view source on any page, edit the html and redisplay to have it show up. You can't do this with external css and such yet though.
not quite what you're looking for, but you can implement the web inspector from the nightly webkit builds in OW. a very nice feature.
Thanks for the hints - I know about these options. And use them some.

But they are pretty limited compared to Web Developer in FF.

You can use the web inspector. Right-click on a page element, choose "inspect element".

If you want more, try the program CSSEdit 2.0

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