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Losing data during syncs. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm going nuts here.

I keep entering actions into a project on my Mac, only to have them disappear after syncning.

I suspect it has to do with this message that I keep getting. Could someone explain what this means in plain English when I see it on my iphone. I tried starting over with OF on the iPhone and resetting the database and syncing again. Even starting fresh I keep getting this message. What does it mean and what should I button should I press?
Your database couldn't be synchronized because the database on the server appears to be totally unrelated to the local data base. Which database would you like to use?

Maybe I need to know a bit more about how the synching works. Which way does it go in which circumtances. What happens if a change gets made to my mac and a different change gets made on the iphone before a next sync, should both those changes get transferred? In other words what is the protocol for the order of synching? I hope someone can follow what I'm asking here.
I can't get these two to line up no matter what I do.

I'm also frequently getting this message on my mac OF
Your database couldn't be synchronized, because the copy on the server has been reverted since the last sync.
This was
most likely caused by restoring from a database backup. Which copy of the database would you like to use? The other database will be saved in your database backup folder.
What steps could I go through to get what I have on my computer to show up on the *&^) iPhone OF?
I'm getting into a similar state. Database on the server keeps being "reverted" and I have to choose local or server copy.
Hey gadget doctor,

Here is the answer that finally got me out of it.

Enjoy the synchage.
This issue might have been fixed earlier today; please make sure you're using the most recent build.

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