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Named Styles Request Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I really like the named styles feature. Specificallly I create about 3 different highlighting styles (color coded) for some of my work. Creation and use of the named styles (through F keys) is very simple.

… however, I really wish there were a way to set up Named Styles that would be general rather than specific to a document. Put differently, it would be nice to have the option to replace OOs pre-ordained named styles with some of your own that are automatically implemented with any new document. If I want to add/delete named styles for a specific document then I could--but those styles a person finds most useful to them most of the time will always be showing up with a new document.

Any possibility of this in a future Outliner?
Originally Posted by mitchellm
I really like the named styles feature. Specificallly I create about 3 different highlighting styles (color coded) for some of my work. Creation and use of the named styles (through F keys) is very simple.

… however, I really wish there were a way to set up Named Styles that would be general rather than specific to a document. Put differently, it would be nice to have the option to replace OOs pre-ordained named styles with some of your own that are automatically implemented with any new document. If I want to add/delete named styles for a specific document then I could--but those styles a person finds most useful to them most of the time will always be showing up with a new document.

Any possibility of this in a future Outliner?
How about setting up a blank document with the styles you want, saving it as a template and then opening that from the "Open from Template" sub-menu. Someone else can no doubt tell you if you can make it the default, and no doubt there are ways of opening it via a keystroke ...


Thanks, that's a good idea. I use templates, but I guess I was caffeine-deprived yesterday!
Originally Posted by xiamenese
How about setting up a blank document with the styles you want, saving it as a template and then opening that from the "Open from Template" sub-menu. Someone else can no doubt tell you if you can make it the default, and no doubt there are ways of opening it via a keystroke ...
But then you can't base your document off of some other template, right? Hmm, can you take a template, create a doc based off of it and then turn that second doc into a template, carrying over all the styles from the original?

Is there a way to copy styles from one document to another via AppleScript? You could have a "style repository" doc that you open and run a script on to copy its styles into some other open doc.

Just an idea...
You can have as many templates as you want. To change the default template, you can go to OmniOutliner Pro menu -> Preferences -> General tab -> Edit New Document Template.

To make a different template, there is a Save As Template option under the File menu. If you save the template in the template folder, you can access it directly in OO from the New From Template option in the File menu.

Derek M.
Support Ninja
The Omni Group
This must be a dumb question but where does OmniOutline store the templates that I create? I created a template on my desktop and want it to be available from the 'New From Template' dropdown menu but I can't find out where they are kept so I can't drag my beautiful new template into it! Thanks

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