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I have the occasional issue where will apply all filters to all the email I've ever recieved. That includes emails with a trigger subject line of (To do) that I have my clients send me.

The result is that each will be processed by the applescript that sends the email to OmniFocus's inbox, even if the task has actually been handled. The net result is that I can have hundreds of previously handled entries entered into my OF inbox, and I have duplicates in my database.

Is there a way to tell to run the filters if the mail status is "unread" only? Alternatively, I'm not an Applescripter, can someone suggest how to alter to the script that sends my to-dos to check that it's not currently existing in my OF database, regardless of the tasks status?

I'm not yet using Snow Leopard, if that version of mail has that flag. I'm still on Warm Weather Leapard :)

Suggestions appreciated.

Why not change the rule to insist that any message processed be both addressed correctly and received less than a day ago? Unless you get dozens of these a day, the number of repeats should be minimal.
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Name:	Screen shot 2010-09-10 at 12.18.47 PM.png
Views:	1406
Size:	76.9 KB
ID:	1561  
Brilliant, that would do the trick just as well. Thanks!

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