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Getting to a project from a context view Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Here is the situation:

I have a project - Proj1 - that has a number of tasks. Each task has a context. When I view a task in a context view, it is sometimes helpful to flip to the project view. While I can see the project name in the task record, it is a bit tedious to go back to the projects view, find the project, etc. Is there a way to "flip" to a task's project right from within the task in the context view?

Three ways to jump directly to the project:

1) Right-click, Show in Planning Mode

2) View Menu, Show in Planning Mode

3) Command-Option-R
Another way to roll: double-click the row handle of an action, get a new window focused on the containing project. Make your changes and/or see the action in context, then close the window. Also protects you from the annoyance of having the action jump away into a different section of the view when you start to edit it as sometimes happens in context view.
Thanks, that totally does the trick!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Another way to roll: double-click the row handle of an action, get a new window focused on the containing project. Make your changes and/or see the action in context, then close the window. Also protects you from the annoyance of having the action jump away into a different section of the view when you start to edit it as sometimes happens in context view.
Wow, this is really neat, thank you very much!
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Another way to roll: double-click the row handle of an action, get a new window focused on the containing project. Make your changes and/or see the action in context, then close the window. Also protects you from the annoyance of having the action jump away into a different section of the view when you start to edit it as sometimes happens in context view.
This has stopped working for me. I'm wondering if it's some kind of glitch on my system or if the feature has been removed in the latest sneaky peaks. I'm running 1.8.3 v.77.74 r145664. Can anyone help me out by confirming that it still works for them.
I can reproduce what you're seeing. Works in 1.8.2, doesn't work in current 1.8.3 Sneaky Peek. Will file as a bug. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I can reproduce what you're seeing. Works in 1.8.2, doesn't work in current 1.8.3 Sneaky Peek. Will file as a bug. Thanks!
It's now option-double-click. Thanks to Jim C. for updating the release notes!
Thanks! It's working for me with the option-double-click.

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