From the OmniFocus help: "In order to avoid too much fiddling around, OmniFocus doesn't support styling individual items. Instead, you can style all items of a particular type."
I can decide for myself what is "too much fiddling around", thank you.
For example, in my to-do OmniOutliner file, I have different colors for personal and professional items, plus a color that serves as a flag. Those can be set by a single keypress -- that hardly qualifies as fiddling -- and make me more efficient because I can get some info at a glance.
It would be great to have that capability in context view in OmniFocus, to make it more visual. As it stands now, everything looks the same.
I can decide for myself what is "too much fiddling around", thank you.
For example, in my to-do OmniOutliner file, I have different colors for personal and professional items, plus a color that serves as a flag. Those can be set by a single keypress -- that hardly qualifies as fiddling -- and make me more efficient because I can get some info at a glance.
It would be great to have that capability in context view in OmniFocus, to make it more visual. As it stands now, everything looks the same.