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Alter email parsing rules? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi All:

Using OmniFocus' inbound email feature very happily, sending emails with +omnifocus to my gmail account. So far so good.

My problem is with the task creation parsing rules. So far my MO is to take any email I receive (I have an Exchange account, with Entourage 08 as a client) that requires followup, and forward it to my "OmniFocus bucket" email. But the forwards begin with ------ Forwarded Message and end likewise. OmniFocus parses these as requests to add new tasks. So instead of one new task I get three. I've tried a few workarounds but nothing satisfactory.

Anyone have any good ideas? Are the parsing rules editable anywhere?


A somewhat unsatisfying workaround is to forward the message to your gmail account without the "+omnifocus" part. Then when you open up the Mail app and look at the messages, you can use the clipping shortcut on the forwarded messages to get them into OF without mangling.

It would be nice if one could signal in the address that one didn't want any further processing done on that message except putting it in the Inbox. Maybe email to <user>+omnifocus-raw or something similar? Send the suggestions to Omni with Help->Send Feedback or email so they take official note of the request.

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