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Can we "tag" rows with a user-defined attribute? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi. I bought OO to use for law school outlines. Last year, I kept two outline files, one for detailed notes, and one for the higher-level notes that I need to memorize. I'd rather not have to do this extra work if possible, and just keep one file. What I'd like to be able to do is to "tag" individual rows as one I need to memorize, and be able to view just these tagged rows. Note that I cannot just expand to a set level, because the things I need to memorize are going to be at different levels.

Does anyone know if this is possible?
There's no built-in functionality for this but it could be accomplished with a script that would scan your file for a certain keyword in a column or it's checkbox status and then copy those to a new file.

Such filtering capabilities are on the table for OO4.
I thought I might be able to do this with a script. I'll guess I'll need to dig into apple script and figure this out.

I'm trying Notemap, which I thought might work better since it's geared to law outlines, but while I can mark rows and copy them, I cannot find a way to simply show only marked rows. It wants to take all rows below a marked row, not quite what I want. So it seems nothing really does this the way I like. Roll your own.

Please do keep it in mind for OO4, but I won't wait. Thanks for the reply.
Originally Posted by DerekM View Post
Such filtering capabilities are on the table for OO4.
So... "on the table" means "almost ready," right? Name:  clapping.gif
Views: 1876
Size:  1.7 KB

Or is it just "maybe it'll make it in for the 2010 release"? Name:  crying.gif
Views: 2006
Size:  1.1 KB

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