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Default to next action when adding a new action? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Not sure if there is a way to do this, but I figured I would ask!

It seems that, for me, the majority of the time when I add a new task to a project, I would prefer that task to be added as the next action. Something will have come up, or I will think of something and use quick entry to type it up and add it to the project. The problem is, it goes to the bottom of the action list for that project. So what I end up doing is opening OmniFocus, finding the project and dragging it to the top. Of course, I don't always do this, so sometime critical actions get lost near the bottom of the list.

I have the same issue when processing my Inbox. I drag actions to projects, or type in the project for the action and it goes to the bottom of the list, then I need to go through and reorganize everything. Or course, not everything needs to be next action, but it seems like the majority of what I am added should be.

Is there any way to do this?

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