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Easy hot keys Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Would be great to have some really simple hotkeys for certain things like 'Move To Tomorrow' (whether the action had a date set already or not) - I know I can type 'tomorrow' in the start box, but just one key and it's done would be cool

Can anything think of any more 'instant' hotkeys they'd like to do things like this?

Also, how hard would it be for OF to let you set YOUR OWN hot keys. I don't mind doing apple-this and shift-apple that for some commands, but I would much prefer to set my own much simpler keys for the things I do the most. I have all my perspectives set up on the function keys for one-touch control, why not for the other functions?

Last edited by BevvyB; 2009-04-10 at 04:01 AM..
Originally Posted by BevvyB View Post
Also, how hard would it be for OF to let you set YOUR OWN hot keys.
Are you on Leopard? If so, have you tried doing this in System Prefences -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts?

I've set several keyboard shortcuts for menu items I use frequently. For example, I set Command-Shift-D to the "Revert to Default View" command.

Maybe this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but it works pretty well. I think you can override existing key combinations as well, but I haven't tried that myself.

I would really like to be able to choose my own key commands in OF, mainly to ones that don't require apple-something!

Like I for Inbox
Yes, I agree. Just using the apple system is not enough. Having shortcuts such as @ to introduce contexts and others (see The hit list) would make it more productive.

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