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Automatic layout and DOT language attributes Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm drawing some pretty dense ERD diagrams, and automatic layout is placing lots of lines across boxes. Not very pretty.

I know OmniGraffle 5 uses the Graphviz engine behind the scenes for doing automatic layout -- it's terrific, really. Now, I know that the Graphviz DOT language includes a "splines" attribute on graphs that, "if true, edges are drawn as splines routed around nodes; if false, edges are drawn as line segments". Could the Graphviz logic be drawn upon to prevent lines ("edges") from crossing over shapes ("nodes")?
just wanted to state that I also am very much interested in the answer to this question. Yes, it is terrific that omnigraffle can use .dot files!

Originally Posted by fbennett View Post
I'm drawing some pretty dense ERD diagrams, and automatic layout is placing lots of lines across boxes. Not very pretty.

I know OmniGraffle 5 uses the Graphviz engine behind the scenes for doing automatic layout -- it's terrific, really. Now, I know that the Graphviz DOT language includes a "splines" attribute on graphs that, "if true, edges are drawn as splines routed around nodes; if false, edges are drawn as line segments". Could the Graphviz logic be drawn upon to prevent lines ("edges") from crossing over shapes ("nodes")?

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