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Print rows in Collapsed ("folded") state? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
From OOP Help:
Row Text
You may choose to show all of the text in every row of your outline, or to collapse ("fold") rows you are not currently editing. "Folded" rows will only show the first line of their text.
I like using this view, with the first line only, and it would be really helpful to print like this, but I cannot find an option anywhere. Printing always outputs the row text in full. Am I missing something, or is it not possible?
Originally Posted by johnny366 View Post
Am I missing something
A check-box on the print dialog:
Expand to show all children
needs to be un-checked.

Thanks but I had seen that, it doesn't make any difference. The printed version still shows the full text for each row. I'd like to print just the first row, as in "folded" view I see on screen. This is not the same as fully collapsing the parent.

"Folded" rows will only show the first line of their text.
What you want is equivalent functionality to the option for showing the notes expanded or as they are displayed at the time of printing, but that isn't provided. Use Help->Send Feedback to make your feature request, or email

If your document is not too many pages, you could just print a screen capture of the window won't be quite as nice as if rendered for the printer, but better than nothing. A somewhat more involved approach would be to write an Applescript that built a shadow document by copying only the first line's worth of text from each row. Or maybe it goes through a duplicate copy of the document and just trims all the rows, which would save the trouble of figuring out how to duplicate the document structure.

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