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Feature request: Show in planning mode option Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
...or some such equivalent.

I like that the home page on the iPhone app has a built-in "Overdue" perspective. (By the way, am I right that there is a conflict of terms here? On the iPhone it is "Overdue" but on the desktop app it is "Due").

But a lot of my actions tend to be ambiguous when not viewed within their project. For example, let's say that in my "Website content processing" project I have several folders of items that need to be processed for the website, e.g. a folder is called "innovation seminar" and the actions listed are "download video" "edit video" "convert video".

So here's the problem: I have several different folders in a project with the same actions. In fact sometimes I use a folder as a template for the new project. So in my handy "Overdue" view on the iPhone I have something called "edit video". But on the iPhone there is no way to easily and quickly see WHICH seminar I am overdue in editing. On the desktop client I can choose "Show in planning mode" and quickly identify that it's the video for the innovation seminar.
The iPhone app only shows the items which are already overdue (current date/time is past the due date/time), whereas the desktop app also shows items which will be due in the future, with the precise behavior depending on your view bar/perspective settings.

There's a feature in the works that will allow you to see your actions in their context from the Overdue list, etc. It got pulled from 1.6 at the last minute, but hopefully it will be back soon! You can see it in the new Perspectives feature where it didn't get removed.
Hi Curt

Can you expand on that please curt?

I dont see any difference between my actions in Due Soon and Due (Perspective) on my iPhone.


Some of the things listed in the Due perspective should have a ">" at the right end of the line, and tapping on those lines should give you another view that shows the actions as if in project mode.

I created a simple project ("Test due project") with a number of due actions (and the project itself also has a due date) as an illustration.

Here you see the project itself showing up after all of its contained actions in my Due perspective:

And here you see what clicking on the project from the Due perspective gives, which is identical to what you would see if viewing it from the Projects view, except the back button is different, of course:


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